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Zhang Dongyu






世间的万物都吸引我: 无论是山川大河,还是花草小木;无论是华丽的城市大厦,还是残破的农舍村落;无论是街道游客的热闹景象,还是屋内人们的平静生活;或广阔或幽静,或昏暗或明亮,或简单或繁琐或凌乱……


家是人们在复杂的社会竞争中得以完全放松的地方,心灵的栖息地,幸福感的得到之处。家就像一个缩小的世界,色彩斑斓,千变万化。你在其中游荡,有困惑,有伤感, 有迷茫,有惆怅;喜怒哀乐五脏俱全。我喜欢在家的感觉, 也喜欢家里的一切陈设。其中富于千变万化的点线面以及丰富的色彩总是给与我创作的愿望。




维亚尔说:“艺术应该是精神的创造物,自然界只是一种机遇,艺术家应该从主观上重新安排它们。这种重新安排自然界,要从美的观念和装饰的观念出发,自然界的任何物象只不过是按照一定规律被安排过的色彩所覆盖的一个平面而已。” 我很以为然。




My words

Painting to me is like a beam of light in a dense cloud, giving me a glimmer of brightness in my bleak life. This light comes to me from far away, soft and fragrant, like an infatuated lover silently accompanying me. Walking me through the spring and summer, through the autumn and winter, giving me warmth, giving me hope, adding color and strength to my life, and telling me that everything is okay when I am at a loss.  Not too bad.


Everything in the world attracts me: whether it is mountains, rivers, flowers, plants or trees; whether it is a gorgeous city mansion or a dilapidated farmhouse or village; whether it is the lively scene of street tourists or the peaceful life of people in their houses; whether it is vast or secluded, dim or bright, simple or tedious--or messy...


Home is a place where people can completely relax from complex social competition--the habitat of the soul, and the place where happiness can be obtained.  Home is like a shrinking world, colorful and ever-changing.  You are wandering in it, confused, sad, and melancholy; you are full of emotions, sorrows and joys.  I like the feeling of being at home, and I also like all the furnishings at home.  Among them, the ever-changing dots, lines and planes as well as the rich colors always give me the desire to create.


Painting is a visual art. I think painting should give pleasure to vision and beauty.  Of course, this beauty and pleasure varies from person to person.  I just want to express what I think is beauty, and try my best to express the truth in my heart, whether it is happy or depressed, whether it is contentment or confusion.  I am using all the objects I see to express my state of mind.  My goal is to control the effect of the picture, express the ordinary reality through my own understanding, and make it fascinating and extraordinary.  I think that how to paint is always more important than what to paint.  The key is choosing what language to use for your expression.  This is the charm of painting and the reason for its existence.  I am striving to pursue the charm of visual language and my inner yearning for beauty.  All the objects in my paintings exist according to my own composition and color needs. They are not the original appearance in actual life. My purpose is not to depict them, not to reproduce them objectively, but to bring them together expressively.  The  painting is used to create the beauty and sense that I want to express, to give form to my feelings and hopes.  My painting style is influenced by the Les Nabis, Expressionism, and Impressionism. I use color changes and dots, lines and planes to construct the balance of the picture. Virtuality and reality go hand in hand, and the change of brushstrokes makes the picture effect more agile.  I strive to pursue the rhythm of elastic contrast and the harmony of colors.  I don't reject any color. I think all colors are beautiful. I don't pursue the reality of light. I hope to indulge in the creation with light and pleasant brush strokes.


Edouard Vuillard said: “Art should be a spiritual creation. Nature is just an opportunity. Artists should rearrange them subjectively. This rearrangement of the natural world must start from the concept of beauty and decoration.  It's just a plane covered by colors arranged in accordance with a certain rule." I agree.


I would like to use this beam from art's skylight, accompanied by its warmth, to use the time that life gives me and to enjoy the fragrance of art for the rest of my life.

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